BunnyBrains 1988-2002
Discography LPs

Matador Records OLE140-1 ©1995
The BunnyBrains
Bunny Brains (aka Pink Bag)

All songs written by The BunnyBrains. Made in the USA 1995. Almost all tracks one take, live, no overdubs, lyrics improvised.

Cover Art: Jack Ziegler
Easter Egg Bag Design: Kash Kulhane
Inner Sleeve: "Rat Trap" by Lisa Love
Layout Execution: Liz Vap
Concept: The BunnyBrains
Back Photo: Avalon Ballroom Oct 94 Photo Booth

Released by: Matador Records


Daniel Saxton Bunny - vocals, freeboard, modified bunnyguitar

D.A.V.O. - fudge

Raimondo - guitarenius

Pietro "Sylvie" Partenio - skin

LHG - whoops/hollers/money

Neville McDermott - guest guitar on "(I'm In The) Bucket (Keith)"


01. Posterboy Gravesite - Eg the Poet - 0:00

02. (I'm In The) Bucket (Keith) - 0:00

03. Turnip Trucker Faller Offer - 0:00

04. Cardinal (You Come Calling) - 0:00

05. Hello (Reset the Single Malt) - 0:00

06. Crispy Sensation - 0:00

07. Seven Steps From New England - 0:00

08. Mr. Tommy (Poor Henry Style) - 0:00

09. Triclosan Poisoning - 0:00

10. (Another Glass Of) Milk - 0:00

11. Miss Me (Dial-Tone Blues) - 0:00

The Now Sound ©1995
The BunnyBrains
Beach Bunny Bingo

Recording: Lisa, Pete, Davo, Ray, Scott, Dan, Larry

Digital Editing & Post Production: Pete, Davo, Glennfiddich. Some sources were cassette to hard drive, DAT to hard drive and DAT to DAT.

Painting by Len Steckler

Released by: The Now Sound, Box 91317, Durham, NC 27708


Dan - voice

Ray - guitar

Davo - bass

Sylvie - drums

Skrot - guest vocals on "Bring Me the Head..."


Ia. OJ Filler - 0:00

Ib. Coco Yoko - 0:00

Ic. Mischievious Wit of Susan Smith - 0:00

Id. Blood On The Snacks - 0:00

Ie. Smack Subscription - 0:00

IIa. Country Funk ELP (Mix) - 0:00

IIb. M.R. Tommy H.A.L. (Mix) - 0:00

IIc. Bring Me The Head Of Trent Resnor (Chuck Eddy Mix) - 0:00

BlackJack Records JACK 018 ©1994
The BunnyBrains
Bunny Magick

Recorded, engineered, mixed & remixed by Eg, LHG, Raymondo (sequencing), & Pete

* 2 track fostex recorded at Pete's House of Power, New Fairfield, CT
** 4track tascam recorded at Bunny Lair & Squash Hollow Cottage, New Milford CT,
*** Live at the Danbury Airport Bar & Grill 1993

Cover Painting: "Romantic Notions of the Mysterious East" by Todd Schorr ©1993

Released by: BlackJack Records, 663 10th Street, Oakland, CA 94607


Eg The Poet - vox, guitar, tapes, harmonica, keyboard, love

Raymondo - guitars, acoustic, mandolin, back up vox

Davo - bass, beer

Pete Beat - drums, Dewars

Larry Bunny - tapes, acoustic plucking , back up vox


01. Luck Is Genius (Inst.) **- 0:00

02. Drugs No Way - 0:00

03. W.K.E.D.D.Y. - 0:00

04. (The) Fight (Song) *- 0:00

05. Onic Outh (Double Pumped Version)* - 0:00

06. Call Kim Gordon* - 0:00

07. RU Ready Carolyn Keddy?** - 0:00

08. Erin Go Boom! (The Pinty Song)** - 0:00

09. I-95 - WRKI (Classic Schlock) - 0:00

10. (What Kind Of) SHAPE (Are You In)?*** - 0:00

11. Blackjack Bunnyjet (Inst.) **- 0:00

12. Long Live Freedomm (Cover Up The Ghetto w/ Whiteout)** - 0:00

13. L.H.G. Speaks** - 0:00

TPOS Records TPOS 069 ©1992
The BunnyBrains
Double LP

Recorded, engineered and mixed by Bobby Bunny, Malcolm Tent, LHG, Pete and Eg at various times and locations between 1988 and 1992.


Bobby Bunny - vocals, sampler, drum machines, bass, loops, effects

Malcolm Tent - bass, guitar

Tom Monahan - guitar, bass

Eg The Poet - vocals, guitar, keyboard

Patty Grannan - guitar

Neville McDermott - guitar

Warren Kennedy - guitar

Wendy Leahy - vocals, bass

Pete Partenio - drums



01. Sound Check- 0:00

02. Squid Fra Diaviolo- 0:00

03. Purple Teeth- 0:00

04. Bond Jam- 0:00

05. I Want You- 0:00

06. Nothing Like A Bible- 0:00


01. ???- 0:00


01. I Love You- 0:00

02. Take Me For A Little Ride- 0:00

03. Big Soft Brain- 0:00

04. Falling In A Hole- 0:00

05. Alpine Ski Lift Disaster- 0:00

06. Unnecessary Mercury Filling- 0:00


01. ???- 0:00


©2014 BunnyBrains/BilgeDasto